Pizza Feast in the High Mountains

On adven­tur­ous ways to your most extra­or­di­nary piz­za. This is an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence for nature and piz­za lovers as well as great fun for fam­i­lies!
Our hut is far away from civ­i­liza­tion, high above the tree line, at the end of a moun­tain lake. The piz­za oven, which is locat­ed in the hut’s cosy “grot­to”, is per­haps one of the high­est in Switzer­land at 2,200 metres. As soon as snow con­di­tions per­mit, we mas­ter the access road built into the rock in a his­toric mil­i­tary jeep or, depend­ing on the weath­er, in a cov­ered four-wheel dri­ve vehi­cle. Depend­ing on your hunger, you can either go straight over to the aper­i­tif or first take a short hike to the rush­ing moun­tain stream. Weath­er per­mit­ting; you can dine on the sun­ny ter­race in the fresh moun­tain air. Would you like to make your own piz­za (we have many typ­i­cal ingre­di­ents ready for you) or would you rather be served by us? Of course, we also have the right wines to accom­pa­ny your aper­i­tif and piz­za. Tra­di­tion­al Swiss del­i­ca­cies are also avail­able for dessert. After the meal, you will be tak­en back to your hotel by four-wheel car. If it is good for your diges­tion, you can also walk along a stretch of the moun­tain lake.

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