Mountains of Treasures

Swisspecial - Private Guiding in Switzerland - Blog - Mountain of treasures - Title

On the track of true wealth. If you leave the hec­tic pace and pres­sure to per­form down in the val­ley, the true trea­sures reveal them­selves. In the moun­tains the air is fresh, the water crys­tal clear, the mead­ows full of flow­ers and but­ter­flies. Ani­mals and peo­ple live in har­mo­ny. No won­der you feel like you’ve been trans­port­ed back “to a time when time did­n’t play a role” up there! This cre­ates an atti­tude to life that many peo­ple lost, but which can be quick­ly found again. For these rea­sons, one not only feels like being new­born in the moun­tains, but every­thing tastes much bet­ter! Come with us and find the true trea­sures of Switzerland.

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By Boat to the Grotto

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