
We fulfill all your wishes and make your day unforgettable

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    Swisspecial - Private Guiding in Switzerland - About Us - Edelweiss

    Everything you need to know

    We pick you up at your accom­mo­da­tion (any­where in Cen­tral Switzer­land). Then we dri­ve to the dif­fer­ent places in com­fort­able and safe cars. Food and drinks are pro­vid­ed for the whole day. You can so to say leave your wal­let at home.

    We are vis­it­ing insid­er places only and you will not see any oth­er tourists.

    The trip is planned and orga­nized in advance but can be changed spon­ta­neous­ly accord­ing to your wish­es or the weath­er conditions.

    There is no fixed pro­gram and our main goal is to make the trip an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence for you.

    Although our trips are divid­ed into sub­ject areas, each one is indi­vid­u­al­ly orga­nized, and the pro­gram is nev­er the same.

    Send us a spe­cif­ic request and we will make you an offer with the cor­re­spond­ing price.

    We work togeth­er with sev­er­al first-class hotels. If you stay in one of our part­ner hotels (see below), a trip with us will be booked direct­ly to the room bill.

    No, we are very flex­i­ble and glad­ly ful­fil your wish­es. We can eas­i­ly do a mul­ti-day or half-day trip for you. Tell us your wish­es and dreams and we will make it hap­pen, since we know all the mag­ic places.

    No, the trips are suit­able for all fit­ness lev­els and age groups. We plan it in such a way that you will not have any dif­fi­cul­ties and enjoy the whole day with­out mak­ing a big effort. Some of the expe­ri­ences are also suit­able for fam­i­lies, tod­dlers and some can even be made by wheelchair.

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