Footprints of William Tell

The leg­end of William Tell is one of the cor­ner­stones of Switzerland’s iden­ti­ty. Explore William’s place of birth, the site of the “apple shoot”, his escape way and where he assas­si­nat­ed the bailiff “Gessler”. You will trav­el also in a boat on Lake Lucerne and see a cross­bow work­shop. Its’ a day of his­to­ry and sights!

  • Pick­up in your hotel with a com­fort­able Land Rover, dri­ve to the prin­ci­ple town of Can­ton Uri.
  • Vis­it­ing the birth­place of William Tell and, if you like, hav­ing a look around in the Tell Museum.
  • Strolling through the old town of Alt­dorf and to the place of the “apple shoot”. The his­to­ry is still tan­gi­ble in the cob­ble­stone-cov­ered alleys of the town.
  • Board­ing a pas­sen­ger lin­er and cruis­ing down Lake Lucerne for a good hour. More impor­tant Swiss his­tor­i­cal sites are pass­ing on each side of the lake, as well as huge rock walls and high mountains.
  • Lunch direct­ly at the lake­front with a breath-tak­ing view over the turquoise water.
  • Dri­ve with the Land Rover along the lakeshore to the his­tor­i­cal site, locat­ed in the woods, where William tell has assas­si­nat­ed the bailiff “Gessler”.
  • Final­ly vis­it­ing an arti­sanal work­shop of ancient cross­bows. You can try to hit an apple yourself! 
  • Return to the hotel.

Due to the weath­er con­di­tions this trip is avail­able from June to the end of Octo­ber only.

Are You Ready?

If you want to expe­ri­ence these excit­ing activ­i­ties and have an unfor­get­table Swis­spe­cial day, fill out the inquiry form and we will pro­vide you with a tai­lored plan for your trip. 

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