Secret Mountain Highlights

This trip is for those who love untouched nature and want to expe­ri­ence the most beau­ti­ful places in the Swiss Alps. With­out any tourist crowd, pri­vate­ly for you only.

  • We dri­ve over beau­ti­ful moun­tain roads with stun­ning panoram­ic views.
  • We dis­cov­er beau­ti­ful water­falls, moun­tain lakes and crys­tal-clear creeks.
  • We walk through nar­row canyons with spray­ing ice-cold water.
  • We vis­it a huge hydro dam filled with glac­i­er water.
  • We will lunch in a moun­tain guest house with a spec­tac­u­lar view to the snow mountains.
  • We can also ride a small pri­vate cable car to reach a breath-tak­ing place.
  • Or would you like to walk into a mil­i­tary fortress drilled deep into the mountain?

Due to the weath­er con­di­tions this trip is avail­able from the end of May to Octo­ber only.

Are You Ready?

If you want to expe­ri­ence these excit­ing activ­i­ties and have an unfor­get­table Swis­spe­cial day, fill out the inquiry form and we will pro­vide you with a tai­lored plan for your trip. 

What Our Guests Say