Winter Wonderland

This trip is for those who love to expe­ri­ence fas­ci­nat­ing win­ter land­scapes in an easy and sen­su­al way.

  • We dri­ve with a Land Rover over snowy moun­tain roads and vis­it roman­tic moun­tain villages.
  • We hov­er with cable cars over the dreamy win­ter land­scapes and enjoy the mag­nif­i­cent view.
  • We walk on easy snow trails through moun­tain forests and past frozen moun­tain lakes and enjoy deli­cious mulled wine on a roman­tic place.
  • We relax on a sun­ny ter­race and enjoy typ­i­cal Swiss food and drinks.
  • After lunch you have the choice to dri­ve on dreamy snow roads or to explore more roman­tic places by cable car or by snow walk.

Due to the weath­er con­di­tions this trip is avail­able from Decem­ber to the end of March only.

Are You Ready?

If you want to expe­ri­ence these won­der­ful activ­i­ties and have an unfor­get­table Swis­spe­cial day, fill out the inquiry form and we will pro­vide you with a tai­lored plan for your trip. 

What Our Guests Say