Recharge Batteries After a “Lost Spring”

Where can one achieve hap­pi­ness and health bet­ter than in the moun­tains? For many peo­ple, spring 2020 meant, “stay­ing at home and receiv­ing many wor­ry­ing mes­sages”. This drains the body’s ener­gy reserves and reduces the pro­duc­tion of hap­pi­ness hor­mones. Change of scene: Even plan­ning a hol­i­day trip to the moun­tains gives you new strength. Then even more so the hol­i­day trip as soon as the trav­el restric­tions are lift­ed. Switzer­land prob­a­bly has the purest nat­ur­al liv­ing resources of all. Pure drink­ing water flows down our moun­tain streams and lies in the moun­tain lakes. Crys­tal-clear air blows down from the snowy peaks and through desert­ed moun­tain val­leys. Enjoy the silence. Enjoy the flo­ra and fau­na. Meet cheer­ful and ener­getic moun­tain people.

Come to us and recharge your bat­ter­ies — wel­come to Switzerland!

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